Moving motivators

What ?

Moving Motivators is a facilitation format based on cards which are metaphors to reflect on people’s motivation. It is based on the model of ten intrinsic desires which motivates us most (derived from the works of Daniel Pink, Steven Reiss, and Edward Deci).

It is really useful to uncover what motivates your colleagues and yourself. The method is a technique of Management 3.0.

Moving motivators cards

Why ?

The practice helps the team members to understand each others better. The exercise forces us to sit down and ask ourselves : What is really important for us? What will make me move faster? Why I wake up every day?

What is intrinsic motivation?

The desire to do something because of an interest in the topic or enjoyment in the task itself.

What is extrinsic motivation?

The need to do something to achieve an outcome that is desired by something or someone outside of the individual and obtained by offering rewards (money, bonus, trophy …)

When to use it

  • Find out what motivates team members, and how an organisational change is affecting them.
  • Analysis of upper management (C-level) motivations (private one-on-one coaching).
  • Conflict resolution: create a snapshot of actual team constellation (retrospective).
  • Team motivator index: publish results continuously to show evolution.

You can use this tool in job interviews as well to discover the candidates. We dot it at Agile Partner but if you do so you need to do it with the authorization of the candidate and you need to play the game as well.

How ?

  • Print or buy the cards (link in the resources)
  • Play the game with your team
  • Ask everyone to sort the cards :
    • The most important motivation factor is on the left; the less important is on the right
  • Consider a change in your life and how this change affects your motivation factors
    • Move the card up if it is a positive effect and down if it is a negative effect
  • Consider the transformation you would like your team to commit to and look at how it affects their motivators

Moving motivators in action


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