Personal map

What ?

When you communicate with many people, it can be difficult to remember every little detail. A way to deal with this amount of information is to build mind maps about personal facts to remember details quickly.
A mind-map is a visual and structured representation of information. In Management 3.0, this kind of mind map is called a Personal Map.

Why ?

People should get closer to the work of others in order to better understand what is going on.
They can do this by :

  • Moving their feet
  • Moving their desk
  • Moving their microphone

Decreasing the distance of yourself to others helps to increase communication and creativity.

A great exercise for a better understanding of people is to capture what you know about them in personal maps.

How ?

By creating a personal map of a colleague, you make an effort to better understand that person.

In your team, explain the exercise as follows:

  • Explain the purpose and how to create a personal map
  • Use a template - like defined below
  • Allow a time-slot - 10 minutes for example
  • Instruct to write clearly and briefly
  • Put all the personal maps on the wall
  • Let each person take a personal map (but not his own!)
  • Each person introduce the selected map to the others
  • Continue until each personal map has been presented

Keep in mind that these personal maps are not a one-time exercise, these evolve as life continues!

Personal map


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