Positive feedback

What ?

Feedback can be used to give information or praise, but it is also extremely useful as a tool to help people to improve. It a powerful tool to support behavioral change or reinforce positive behavior in the workplace.

Why ?

Giving feedback to your colleagues and employees provides them with an observer’s insight into how their performance is progressing, as well as advice to solve any problems. Positive feedback, much like the constructive type, must be specific and behavioral in nature to be effective.
The positive comment feels good, but it does not leave you better able to repeat the positive performance in the future, just as a negative comment:
“You sure messed up that presentation” would not tell you what you did wrong.
Both giver and receiver benefit by getting specific with feedback.

Never hesitate to provide positive feedbacks to your colleagues. But you need to follow some rules (as the ones described below)

How ?

During the day, give a positive feedback to a colleague

Rules for delivering positive feedback

  • Always deliver feedback as close in time to the occurrence of the positive behavior as possible.
  • Be specific : The more specific you are as the giver, the better the opportunity for the receiver to understand what behaviors to repeat in the future.
  • Try to link the positive behavior to the results.
  • Positive feedback can be delivered in public

Positive feedback


Positive feedback

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