Xtrem Reading

What ?

Xtrem Reading is a technique we have created at AgilePartner.
It allows you to read 2 books in 1 hour in a collaborative way.

Xtrem Reading logo

Why ?

Reading is a still a key to learning.
At the time, books are the best tool for continuous education. The problem is that we no longer take the time to read them…

By reading collectively it will increase your motivation to read.

Xtrem Reading Infography

It will allow you to boost your collective intelligence as well. Collective intelligence strongly contributes to the shift of knowledge and power from the individual to the collective.

How ?

  • Bring some books
  • Organize an Xtrem Reading session at your company
    • Follow the instructions on the infography as described above


  • Our Xtrem Reading website : Our Xtrem Reading website

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