What ?
Mob Programming is a software development approach where the whole team works on the same thing, at the same time, in the same space, and at the same computer.
In addition to coding, teams practicing Mob Programming works together on almost all the work of a typical software development team including :
- Defining stories
- Working with customers
- Designing
- Testing
- Deploying software.
The team consists of everyone involved in creating the software, including customers.
The Mob Programming approach relies on concepts such as face-to-face and side-by-side communication, team alignment, collaboration, whole team involvement, continuous code review, and self-organizing teams in order to be effective.
“Resolve complex problems in whole team”
Why ?
The collaborative nature of Mob Programming causes many problems that software development teams generally face to “fade away.”
It solves :
- Communication problems : eliminated by the collaborative face-to-face nature of communication in Mob Programming
- Decision making problems such as reluctance to make decisions and the need to defend decisions that are made
- Technical Debt : many sets of eyes on the current workit dramatically reduces the chances of many types of technical debt
- Focus problems : the team can continue on even if one team member is asked to switch contexts.
- Politics at the individual developer leve : Mob programming reinforces the work of the team and encourages people to figure out how they are best suited to help the team
- Collective ownership : because the entire team works on the same story at the same time it reinforces the collective ownership feeling
How ?
- Gather your team
- Schedule a meeting with your Product Owner
- Start to implement an user story
- From designing to DONE
- Use one keyboard and screen
- Use a private room
- Select a time keeper to rotate every 15 or 30 minutes
- Everyone gets time at the keyboard
- Take a story from start to finish
- Take breaks when you want
- Getting started guide
- See this video to understand how to organize a mob session
- Mob programming role cards
- Mob roles at Cucumber