Tech retro

What ?
If you are familiar with agile retrospectives you know that it is a meeting where the team reflects on what happened in the iteration and identifies actions for improvement going forward.
It is dedicated on the work process.
In a technical retrospective, we are focusing on the technical topics.
Why ?
By introspecting regularly on your architecture, you will continuously improve at the technical level.
You will use the collective intelligence of your team to do so.
If you think good architecture is expensive, try bad architecture. ~ Brian foote and Joseph Yoder in “Big ball of mud”
How ?
- Gather your team
- Introspect and think about your architecture by trying to answer those questions :
- Where are the defects ?
- Where are the ‘hard bits’ ? What makes them hard ?
- Where are the ‘easy bits’ ? What makes them easy ?
- What keeps changing ? Why ?
- What stays still ? Why ?
- …